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The Importance of Secondary Air System On Your Toyota Tundra

When it comes to the petrol engine vehicle, it is a known fact that secondary air injection is a verified means of lessening harmful substance emissions in cold starting. Bear in mind, a petrol engine requires a rich mixture meant for a dependable cold starting. The secondary air system for your Toyota Tundra is regarded to be a maintenance-free vehicle system which you need to take into consideration. On the other hand, severe operating conditions, surpassing maintenance intervals, impairment to ignition or mixture preparation, as well as the usage of substandard engine oils along with fuels can surely result to sticking and soiling of secondary air valves. It is very important for you to ensure that your secondary air system is in impeccable working order for the reason that this is necessary for you to pass the exhaust gas examination performed as one vital part of the roadworthiness exam.

Toyota tundra secondary air injection system is of great importance in order for you to ensure your safety. Flaws in the secondary air system usually display themselves in the manner of fluctuating idling speed or in the manner of whistling noise at some stage in cold starting. They are indicated by means of the engine indicator lamp illuminating. Time and again, your vehicle will shift to emergency operation and this means, decreased performance. And it is only the experienced mechanics who can resolve problems that involve a secondary air system.

It has been explained earlier that in petrol engine vehicle, this secondary air injection is a verified means to reduce damaging substance emissions at some point in cold starting and if you are aiming for a dependable cold starting, then, your petrol engine is going to require a rich mixture. This simply suggests that the air/fuel mixture have extra fuel. And as a consequence, very high levels of unburned hydrocarbons as well as carbon monoxide will be produced at some point of cold starting. For the reason that the catalytic converter along with the oxygen sensor emission control have both not attained their proper operating temperature yet, these damaging exhaust gas components will surely leak in our environment if it will stay untreated. With the intention of avoiding and at the same time reducing dangerous substances at some stage in cold starting, secondary air system is employed through injecting ambient air that contains high levels of oxygen into the exhaust gas. For more info, visit:

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